COVID-19 and Sewer Blockages

Nu-Air Heating & Cooling

What the State Plumbing Board of Louisiana Wants You to Know

We know that you’re taking every possible precaution to keep you and your loved ones safe during the ongoing pandemic. That includes cleaning and sanitizing surfaces that may have come into contact with the COVID-19 virus, commonly known as the Coronavirus. A lot of us are using disposable wipes to help us stay clean, but not everyone is disposing of these wipes safely.

When disposable wipes are flushed down the toilet instead of thrown in the trash, they can build up and cause sewer blockages that can drastically impact your plumbing performance. But before you go clearing these blockages, the State Plumbing Board of Louisiana wants you to take certain precautions.

Call Before You Clear!

Before you clear any sewer blockages, call the natural gas utility serving the area. They’ll make sure that there are no cross bores in the area of sewage line you want to clear. Cross bores are places where two different utility lines intersect, and interfering with one line can cause major problems with the other.

Get Professional Help

It may seem tempting to handle blockages yourself, but you should always trust a trained plumber to handle things. Unlike amateur do-it-yourself plumbers, our team has gone through years of rigorous training, and we know exactly how to handle tricky issues like cross bores.

The State Plumbing Board encourages everyone to stop flushing disposable wipes, so we can all avoid the resulting sewage issues. If you do find yourself dealing with a blockage, remember to call your natural gas provider and our licensed plumbers to get things cleared up quickly and safely.

Our techs at NuAir Heating & Cooling are still making service calls! Call us at (985) 288-2445 for 24/7 blockage clearance and other emergency services!
